Žymos archyvas: prokuroras Gediminas Bernotavicius

Vilnius County Prosecutor‘s Office (Chief Mr. Ramutis Jancevicius) challenges a legal system in Lithuania


Prokuroro Ramučio Jancevičiaus prokuratūra pareiškė nepagarbą teismui ir žmogaus teisėms



On the 13th of July, 2016, Mr.Zigmantas Segzda lodged a complaint to the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Lithuania Mr. Evaldas Pasilis. Mr.Zigmantas Segzda believes that the following prosecutors of Vilnius County Prosecutor‘s Office violated principles of  the Prosecutors‘ Code of Lithuanian Republic: Chief prosecutor Mr. Ramutis Jancevicius, prosecutor Mr. Gediminas Bernotavicius, prosecutor Mr. Vilius Paulauskas and prosecutor Mr. Ricardas Kubilius.

In September, 2015, a public prosecutor Mr. Ricardas Kubilius has taken control over the pre-trial investigation, case No. 57-1-0699-14. The party concerned in this case is Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene, the head of the Public Procurement Office under the Government of Lithuanian Republic. It appears from the case materials, that prosecutor Mr. Vilius Paulauskas, a son of  the leader of the Labour Party, the member of Lithuanian Parliament Mr. Arturas Paulauskas, has actively protected interests of Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene during the pre-trial investigation.

On the 7th of July, 2016, prosecutor Mr. Ricardas Kubilius had not appeared to a public hearing at Ukmergė region District Court. A public prosecutor Mr. Julius Gelumbauskas (fromVilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office, Seventh Division) has asked the court to postpone investigation of the case, since he has been appointed to the case No. 57-1-0699-14 only on the eve of the 7th of July, thus he was unable even to read materials of the case.

The judge of Ukmerge region District Court Mr. Rinaldas Adamonis has been astonished at sudden and unexpected replacement of a prosecutor.

It appears, that on the 16th of July, 2016, Vilnius Regional prosecutor Mr. Eugenjus Papucka had made a decision to displace the prosecutor, but his letter of appointment has been delivered to prosecutor Mr. Julius Gelumbauskas only on the 4th of July, 2016.

Mr.Zigmantas Segzda considers, that by doing this Vilnius County Prosecutor‘s Office has violated the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 6:

„In the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of  any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.“

Human rights challenges in Lithuania

In Lithuania I could not find any courageous journalists who would take the risk writing articles and discussing the human rights’ issues. I have had to become both – a journalist and the media. I will not stop writing articles – doing what I must do. I experienced, that publicity is the best weapon in society which is corrupt.

I understand that the lonely fighter, like me, may not make a difference. But my struggle is also the struggle for the fundamental human rights and freedoms that individuals not only in Lithuania, but also in any other country would have access to.

Tai akivaizdus agresijos protrūkis. Manau, kad Lietuvos Respublikoje vyksta priešiškų Lietuvos žmonėms „žaliųjų žmogeliukų“ be atpažinimo ženklų invazija. Jų veiksmai yra tiesioginė grėsmė Lietuvos Respublikos nacionaliniam saugumui, demokratinei valstybei ir konstitucinei santvarkai. Savo argumentų pagrindimui naudoju tik faktinę medžiagą – nuo 2014-ųjų renkamus metų Lietuvos policijos, prokuratūros, teismų ir kitų valstybės įstaigų dokumentus.

Manau, kad dabar kaip niekad reikalingas viešumas – aštrus chirurgo skalpelis, kuriuo būtų galima išoperuoti išvešėjusį visuomenės pūlinį, nes pavieniams žmonėms vien tik teisinėmis priemonėmis atsilaikyti prieš gerai organizuotą sistemą kažin ar pavyktų.