Žymos archyvas: teisėjas Rolandas Buzinskas

Cannibals. The head of Public Procurement Office gave her baby‘s brain to the psychiatrists’ company of Mr. Raimundas Alekna

Žmogėdros. Viešųjų pirkimų tarnybos vadovė atidavė vaiko smegenis „konservatnikų“ partijos vedlio Raimundo Aleknos psichiatrų kontorai


Some time ago I had asked the rhetorical question on the internet portal „Laisvas Laikrastis“, whether the women in Lithuania, who belong to the public authority caste, have discovered a new passion – to bear children in order to deliver them to psychiatric concentration camps. Ms. Sigita Jurgelevicienė, the head of Public Procurement Office to the Government of Lithuanian Republic, has targeted „the spike of her spear“… at her own baby. On the 22th of March 2016 the judge of Trakai District Court Ms. Asta Adamonyte – Sipkauskiene has sent a four-year-old daughter of Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene to the former Soviet KGB‘s citadel – National Forensic Psychiatry Service. By doing this the judge ordered a primary forensic psychological examination.

Ms S.Jurgeleviciene hired a flock of law advisors, who kave a systematic knowledge about how to extort the human psyche: Aivaras Alimas, family member of  Ms. Roma Sabina Alimiene,  former officer of the Persecutor‘s Office of the Soviet Union, Ms. Viktorija Civilyte, the daughter of Mr. Juozas Civilis, the former interrogator at the Law Enforcement Service of the Soviet Union, Valdemaras Buzinskas, the former interrogator at the KGB service of the Soviet Union.

I think that, implementing possible plan of the grey cardinals trio, since the year 2015 Ms S.Jurgeleviciene secretly registered her three-year-old daughter to psychiatrists.of the Mental Health Centre of Vilnius Regional Clinic and the Vilnius Centre for psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Famous politician of Lithuania Mr. Raimundas Alekna is a managing director of the Vilnius Centre for psychotherapy and psychoanalysis and the private Hospital the Azuolyno Clinic (Azuolyno klinika).

Who could deny that Ms. Sigita Jurgelevičienė by using public procurement system helps  Mr. Raimundas Alekna to convert state budget funds in favor of his political party’s treasury? Now Ms.  S.Jurgeleviciene has free access to the psychiatrist Ms. Dalia Minialgiene, a subordinate of Mr. Raimundas Alekna. Since Summer, 2015,  Ms. S.Jurgeleviciene turned her daughter into a mental patient, makes copies of the daughter’s personal health history and turns in them to the police, Public Procecutors Office, the judge of the Ukmerge District Court Mr. Rinaldas Adamonis and the judge of the Trakai District Court Ms. Asta Adamonyte – Sipkauskiene. Ms. S.Jurgeleviciene still hopes that using these maneuvers will help „knock out“ the property of her former lover.

Psychotherapy treatment supposedly used by the  psychiatrist Ms. Dalia Minialgiene illustrates the following  example. On the 15th of  June , 2016, Miss Greta Jurgeleviciute,  the daughter of  Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene, had led her four-year-old sister S.V.S. to the medical institution – the Vilnius Centre for psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. On behalf of the child’s mother Miss Greta Jurgeleviciute had communicated with the psychiatrist Ms. Dalia Minialgiene and both agreed that the daughter of Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene should be cured by using psychotherapy treatment. According to Miss Greta Jurgeleviciute, she was waiting outside the door  until an unknown person communicated with my daughter. Waiting outside the door, Miss Greta Jurgeleviciute could not see either the little girl was left alone at the doctor‘s office, or who and  how was communicating with the girl, and she had no possibility to watch what wrong could make strangers to the little girl.

I think that Ms. S.Jurgeleviciene, the head of Public Procurement Office to the Government of Lithuanian Republic, behaved violently with her little daughter, since she left her daughter unattended, against her own will the little girl had been taken from her home and given to an unknown person, the girl had been closed and kept at working office of a medical institution without presence of her parents. I suppose that, by doing this, the human psyche of the child was being extorted. Daughter‘s father was not informed about it.

 Zigmantas Šegžda

Human rights challenges in Lithuania

In Lithuania I could not find any courageous journalists who would take the risk writing articles and discussing the human rights’ issues. I have had to become both – a journalist and the media. I will not stop writing articles – doing what I must do. I experienced, that publicity is the best weapon in society which is corrupt.

I understand that the lonely fighter, like me, may not make a difference. But my struggle is also the struggle for the fundamental human rights and freedoms that individuals not only in Lithuania, but also in any other country would have access to.

Tai akivaizdus agresijos protrūkis. Manau, kad Lietuvos Respublikoje vyksta priešiškų Lietuvos žmonėms „žaliųjų žmogeliukų“ be atpažinimo ženklų invazija. Jų veiksmai yra tiesioginė grėsmė Lietuvos Respublikos nacionaliniam saugumui, demokratinei valstybei ir konstitucinei santvarkai. Savo argumentų pagrindimui naudoju tik faktinę medžiagą – nuo 2014-ųjų renkamus metų Lietuvos policijos, prokuratūros, teismų ir kitų valstybės įstaigų dokumentus.

Manau, kad dabar kaip niekad reikalingas viešumas – aštrus chirurgo skalpelis, kuriuo būtų galima išoperuoti išvešėjusį visuomenės pūlinį, nes pavieniams žmonėms vien tik teisinėmis priemonėmis atsilaikyti prieš gerai organizuotą sistemą kažin ar pavyktų.