Žymos archyvas: Sigita Jurgelevicienė

Teismo pirmininkė Loreta Braždienė ateina, raudonųjų nacių šacher-macher‘iams – „kaputt“

Zigmantas Šegžda. Vilniaus apygardos teismo pirmininkė Loreta Braždienė ateina, raudonųjų nacių šacher-macher‘iams – „kaputt“.

Publikuota JAV laikraštyje „Bičiulystė“


Tai jau tikrai, kad teisėjos Loretos Braždienės atėjimas į Vilniaus apygardos teismo pirmininkės postą teisėsaugos šumacher‘iui (batsiuvys, vert. iš vokiečių k.) – Apeliacinio teismo pirmininkui Algimantui Valantinui ramybės ir stiprybės nepridės. „Ui, gefelt!“, –  piktai keiksnos gantze macher‘is. Ui, kaip man dabar norisi naujai paskirtai teismo pirmininkei Loretai Braždienei keletą kibitz‘ų (patarimų, vert. iš jidiš k.) duoti, kad blatni advokatai, prokurorai kaip kokie raudonieji naciai po teismų koridorius su „rašteliais“ (kompiuteriniais failais) nešarintų ir teismų darbo netrikdytų. Priminsiu, kad jidiš kalba „gantze macher“ reiškia prakilnią personą, o žodis „gevalt“ – tai ištiktukas su gero siaubo emocija. Būna visko. Kai nutinka, tai ir nesiseka. Tuomet ir prakilnybę iš baimės graudus gešrai („geschrei“, – rauda, vert. iš jidiš k.) ištinka.

Ui, kaip reikia Vilniaus apygahhhdą išvalyti nuo šmotų ir nebišų („nebbish“ – apgailėtinas asmuo, vert. iš jidiš k.) košernai teisingai apie „objektyvų stebėtoją“ vograujančių, bet tuo pačiu Lietuvos piliečius – gojus teismuose į juodą neviltį varančių! Pirmiausia teisėja Loreta Braždienė turėtų nepasiduoti jarmulkių žavesiui ir kipišui. „Jarmulkė“ arba kipa – tai itin madinga, prašmatni kepuraitė tonzūrai ant praktikuojančio žydo kaukolės papuošti.  Nu, kas teisybė, tai teisybė, kad žydų tautybės atstovai teisme viešpatauja ir klesti. Taigi, tiesiog būtų būtina turėti tvirtą stuburą daromam spaudimui pasipriešinti. Galbūt, derėtų gėlių darželį pasiravėti – teismo palociuose suvešėjusioms piktžolėms tvirtą „chana“ pasakyti.

Nu ką jūs, civilinių bylų skyriaus pirmininkė teisėja Neringa Švedienė tai tikrai nėra piktybiška. Ji netgi kuklinasi, sakydama: „Aš teisėja nebūsiu niekada.“ Kas teisybė, tai ne melas. Nu, bet dar tikresnė teisybė ta, kad teisėja Neringa Švedienė jaučia nenumaldomą pareigą ir pašaukimą civilines bylas teisingiems teisėjams skirstyti. Teismų sistemos kompiuteriui – „Liteko“ bylų skirstymo moduliui nieko kito nelieka, kaip tik žado netekti ir pagarbiai patylėti („Ui, gefelt!“) tuo metu, kai į sistemos ruletę yra vedama Zigmanto Šegždos pavardė. Iš praktikos žinau, ir Jūs, teismo pirmininke Loreta Braždiene turite žinoti, kad mano civilines bylas dieviškojo Chalimo dėka nagrinėja išimtinai mūsiškiai-saviškiai teisėjai – Jūra Marija Strumskienė ir/arba Andrutė Kalinauskienė.

Tikras Vilniaus apygardos protuberantas – baudžiamųjų bylų teisėjas Audrius Cininas, nu, stačiai dievina makabriškomis pranašystėmis mus, gojus, stebinti. Cituoju Cininą:„Jei taip ir toliau, tai Lietuvoje greitai liks tik nuteistieji ir jų prižiūrėtojai.“ Supraskite, varnas varnui akies nekerta, žyds žydo nesodina. Scenarijus piešiamas tiesiog pasakiškas – šventa Marijos žemelė suvisam taps the Kingdom of Heaven (Dangaus Karalyste) – Šiaurės Jeruzale. Gedimino prospekte ant Vilniaus apygardos teismo fasado vietoje KGB kankinių memorialo, kaip tikroje Jeruzalėje, iš akmenų bus sumūryta skylėta Raudų Siena, skirta  iš lauko pusės į teisingą teismą rašteliams (blat‘ams) kaišioti. Lukiškių aikštėje besipuikuojantį Vyčio raitelį subtiliai įrėmins Dovydo žvaigždės žydros spalvos kontūrai. Nu joo, mensch… Daugiau niekas žodelio „nu“ nelaikys barbarizmu arba rusicizmu, nes kiekvienam lochui gojui bus įkalta į galvą, kad madinga jidiš kalba žodelis „nu“ yra normalus ir reiškia ne ką kita, kaip: „taip“, „na“, „aha“, „gerai“, „tai kas?“

Kai jau hebrajiškas rojus nebe už kalnų, nesunku pamatyti, kad apygahhhdos teismo baudžiamųjų bylų skyriaus pihhhmininkė teisėja Daiva Kazlauskienė savo „kvadratisch“ štampuko pagalba be atodairos siunčia nepaklusnius šmotus lietuvius ant apygardos teismo ešafoto. Tam, kad darbštuoliai prižiūrėtojai chanevičiai, cininai, gingiskhanai, niekada darbo nepristigtų. Die arbeit macht frei! (darbas ne vilkas, į mišką nenurūks, – vertimas iš austrų k.:)). Pavyzdžiui, jau ir šiais laikais žmogaus teisų aktyvisto Zigmanto Šegždos visus teisminius skundus (o jų skaičius – per 160 vienetų) nagrinėja teisėjos Daivos Kazlauskienės updatinto kvadratisch „bylų paskirstymo modulio“ paskirti nuolatiniai etatiniai teisėjai – aškenazių tautos atstovai, kaip antai: Aiva Survilienė, Ainora Kornelija Macevičienė, Audrius Cininas, Virginija Pakalnytė-Tamošiūnaitė, Stasys Punys, Stasys Lemežis, Regina Pocienė, Laureta Ulbienė, Leonarda Gurevičienė, Vladislavas Lenčikas.

Pavyzdžiui,  apygardos teismo teisėjas Stasys Lemežis dievagojasi esąs visiškai Sovietų valdžios reabilituotas tremtinys ir neginčijamai absoliutus Lietuvos patriotas. Nieko nuostabaus. Visi Sovietų KGB darbuotojai ir informatoriai, kiek man žinoma, turėjo praeiti taip vadinamos reabilitacijos skaistyklą. Ui, kaip teisėjai vengia prisipažinti esantys žydai! Ui, kaip jiems nesinori kalbėti apie savo darbinę ar „visuomeninę“ veiklą represinėse struktūrose  Sovietų okupacijos metais!

Dar vienas unikalus pretendentas į „objektyviuosius stebėtojus“ yra Ukmergės rajono apylinkės teismo pirmininkas teisėjas Rinaldas Adamonis (su potekste į poną V.Adamkovič). Nieko blogo negaliu pasakyti apie teisėją, mat, jis kartu su žmona Natalija priėmė sprendimą nutraukti nėštumą tam, kad įsiamžintų  teisme papiltų gyvsidabrio nuodų istorijoje. Nu, o ką? Tik vidutinybės neturi trūkumų ar sukrėtimų. Žinau tik tiek, kad Rinaldo Adamonio gimtinėje – prieškario Raseiniuose buvo sinagoga, vadinama „Chajei O Dom“. Sinagoga sugriuvo ištikta žydų pogromo.  „Chajei O Dom“ hebrajų kalba reiškia „kaip brolis ir sunki lemtis (nuosprendis)“ arba „kaip brolis ir ramybė po palme“. Jeigu „negojai“ globalinio atšilimo ir pasaulinio tvano scenarijų toliau rutulios tikslingai, jau greitai Raseinių rajone palmių plantacijas auginsime, palmių aliejų spausime ir į košę dėsime, juo turistų iš Izraelio kūnus paslaugiai tapšnosime.

Jau dabar privalu žinoti, kaip naujalietuviškai skamba teisėjų dinastijos Rinaldo Adamonio ir Astos Adamonytės-Šipkauskienės pavardės – „ir sunki lemtis ta ramybė po palme“. Kas nelemta, tas ir nesiseka. O kol kas R.Adamonio kiekybiniai ir kokybiniai teisėjo profesinės veiklos vertinimo rodikliai blizga taip, kaip sidabrinės torpedos skriejančios taikinio link. Valstybinės reikšmės užsakymai vykdomi be priekaištų. Iš Viešųjų pirkimų tarnybos direktoriaus pavaduotojos pareigų atstatydintą Sigitą Jurgelevičienę teisėjas  baudžiamojoje byloje gina aršiau už advokatą Aivarą (Ch)Alimą iš Motiekos ir Audzevičiaus kontoros. Nors iš darbo prieš gerą pusmetį išskrido, bet antsvorio – priaugintų lašinių, buvusi valstybės atkatų sistemos primadona dar nesuvalgė, po teismus ir prokuratūras jos samdyti atstovai kaip ant šluotų laksto. Broliai po palme nuo poniutės  nuodėmingo kūno, aliejais ištrinto, aplipusias muses baido. Košernos Bonifacijaus atostogos, nu ar ne taip? Nu, o jeigu taip, tai tebūnie, kaip danguje taip ir ant žemės! Tik, vajezau, žmonės kalba, kad Ukmergės teismas nuo 2018-jųjų bus uždarytas! Sodoma ir Gomora! Adamsų Chajei O Dom sinagoga vėl užsidaro?!

Žinia, teismų reforma pasakė – „chana“ Ukmergės teismui. Bet, nieko baisaus, nes paskui tas teismas bus stebuklingai atverstas į Rūmus (Vilniaus regiono teismo rūmus). Karalius mirė, tegyvuoja didysis žmonių teisėjas – karalius Adamonis Raseiniškis! Tik išrinktasis teisėjas, kaip tikras Kaščėjus Nemirtingasis, turi teisę išaiškinti baudžiamuosius įstatymus ir precedentus ne kaip kitaip, bet pagal savo vidinį įsitikinimą, įstatymus tiksliai pritaikyti „nuskriaustojo“ užsakovo naudai ir poreikiams taip įžūliai, kaip tai daro adamsų, abramsų mishpocheh‘ai (giminės, – vert. iš jidiš k.) Bepigu jiems taip elgtis, kai turi (vis dar?) tokį veikiančios išvien apygardos ir apeliacinio teismų „chevros“ palaikymą. „TEISINGAS KAIP ŽYDO BEZMĖNAS“, – teisingumą vykdantį teismą, sakyčiau, gan tiksliai apibūdino bočiai lietuviai.

Ar bus kada nors žydų rojus Lietuvos žemelėje, dabar priklauso ir nuo pačios teismo pirmininkės teisėjos Loretos Braždienės. Tegyvuoja teisminės valdžios abortas ir apsivalymas nuo „teisinėje“ sistemoje nardančių išsigimėlių! Priešinkimės, per rinkimus balsuokime, kol nevėlu, už teisės viršenybę valstybėje ir pagarbą žmogaus teisėms. Gana murmėti pakampiuose ir kentėti nuo teisėsaugos represijų, bauginimų, grasinimų, terorizavimo, savavaldžiavimo, plėšikavimo, atviro turto prievartavimo, vaikų paėmimo, atplėšimo nuo šeimų, prisidengiant specialiai tam sukurtu „apsaugos“ nuo smurto artimoje aplinkoje įstatymu. Pasakykime vieningą „ne“ Lietuvos ir pasaulio lietuvių visuomenės dirbtiniam supriešinimui pasitelkiant taip vadinamo konstitucinio teismo naujai kurpiamas virškonstitucines doktrinas (dogmas) bei šarlatanišką mistiką – „konstitucijos dvasią.“

Aktyviai burkimės į išsivaduojamąjį judėjimą. Junkimės prie tautos teisuolio Aurimo Drižiaus pasipriešinimo iniciatyvos. Šaukiu aš tautą į lemiamą kovą prieš raudonųjų nacių priespaudą, į kovą už laisvę ir nepriklausomybę. Tai paskutinis šansas – dabar arba niekada. Raudonasis maras turi būti persekiojamas taip, kaip tai numato galiojantis baudžiamasis įstatymas. Visų šalių lietuviai – vienykimės!


Zigmantas Šegžda, žmogaus teisių aktyvistas iš Vilniaus

How judge Mr.Algimantas Valantinas smashed my life

The online newspaper Laisvas laikrastis (The Free Newspaper) in Lithuania says a lot about how prosecutors, former prosecutors, ex-communists, the legalized KGB’s executioners and their representatives – so-called „businessmen“ fauna apologize: “We are sorry for catching us, we are sorry to be here, everything we’ve done, has been done by law”.

The process of money laundering is as follows. The profits of crime and corruption are transfered to “the justice administrators”. The money is used to terrorize targeted indviduals, who posses substantial legitimate assets. The target is charged with criminal offence and brought before a person who has judicial power. Numerous coercive restrictions are ordered to exert pressure on the target so that to speed up his “cooperation” and confession. The mafioso breaks the target psychologically. The individual voluntarily surrenders his legitimate assets in exchange for so called “legal services”. Illegally obtained gain is transformed in to seemingly legitimate funds, as well as corruption is fed again.

But today I will not approach this topic. I consider that there are different, perhaps even worse things, that occur in Lithuania.

I will never be the same again since the day when in 2014 my private life was invaded by Mr.Algimantas Valantinas, the Chairman of the Court of Appeal of Lithuania, the former judge of Vilnius County Court and the former Prosecutor General of Lithuania.

The judge A.Valantinas and I are not acquainted. However, I have been severely affected by decisions taken by this judge. From 2014 to the present, the state’s repressive bodies constantly terrorize me, humiliate my personal dignity. It is enough to mention the fact, that 22 criminal cases were fabricated and filed against me in 2014 – 2016. When the former judge Mr.Evaldas Pasilis took over the Prosecutor General’s office, 21 criminal cases were terminated by the prosecutor’s office as unfounded. However, the only criminal case is being tried before a judge (judge Mr.Rinaldas Adamonis, Ukmerge District Court).

On December 23, 2014 in the Vilnius County Court’s ruling the judge A.Valantinas decided, that I had been arrested (pre-trial detention) by the state’s repressive structures without violating norms of procedural law. Yet, on February 18, 2015 the judge A.Valantinas concluded that I was being kept in prison illegitimately. On December 3, 2014 the prosecutor Ms.Vida Braceviciene, minion of Mr.Ramutis Jancevicius, the former Chief of the Vilnius County Prosecutor‘s Office (dismissed in 2016), attempting to break me down, ordered restrictive measure – 90 days pre-trial detention, but after 50 days she changed her mind and I was released from prison.

The essence of state terrorism is that the so-called businessmen have decided to criminalize the property dispute that has arisen between the co-owners of the residential house and land. Now the „businessmen“ have the goal – to get the order of the court on recovery for damage – 30 000 EUR award. It turns out that an aggressor, assailing a victim, not only receives a gain, but also suffers a „compensable injury“. Thus, the mafioso coerces me to surender my luxury house to „businessmen“.

It is bewildering why moans of Ms.Sigita Jurgeleviciene, the former Chief of the Public Procurement Office to the Government of Lithuania, have been taken for granted by the prosecutor Ms. Jolita Kancauskiene (since 2017 she works at the Prosecutor General’s Office), prosecutor Vilius Paulauskas, the Chief of Vilnius District‘s Police Office Mr.Arvydas Sinis, the judges of Vilnius County and District Courts: Mr.Algimantas Valantinas, Ms.Renata Volodko, Ms.Dalia Zeniauskaite, Mr.Saulius Jakaitis, Mr.Stasys Lemezis, Ms.Daiva Kazlauskiene, Mr.Stasys Punys, Ms.Ainora Kornelija Maceviciene, Ms.Aiva Surviliene, Ms.Virginija Pakalnyte-Tamosiunaite, Ms.Laureta Ulbiene, Mr.Audrius Cininas, Mr.Rinaldas Adamonis.

I believe, that mentioned persons have been involved in conducting judicial proceedings – the criminal prosecution against me without any substantial ground. By failing to endure the burden of victimization imposed on me by the authorities and the abundance of criminal cases brought to justice, in 2016 I applied to the Kingdom of Sweden for political asylum.

The fake criminal case filled against me is similar to the case against Mr.Bronislovas Burgis, the professor of Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. In 2016 the verdict of a jury of the Supreme Court of Lithuania was that professor is “not guilty“. Meanwhile, as engaged by the „businessmen“, the criminal prosecution against me lasts since 2014, yet according to the law the same type of cases must be brought to a conclusion in 6 months.

Due to the crimes, committed by the „businessmen“, and due to human rights violations, I have filed several hundred statements and appeals to the prosecutor’s office, the courts and other authorities. For the same reason I was forced to sue the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania – file number 2-2673-433/2017.

Perhaps some funny maximalist-extremist would be proud to have the opportunity to throw down a glove to Mr. Algimantas Valantinas, the Chairman of the Lithuanian Court of Appeal. It is said that
a man’s greatness can be measured by his enemies (Don Piatt).

Judge, ex-prosecutor, Vice-Chairman of the Judicial Council, Chairman of the Court of Appeal of Lithuania Mr.Algimantas Valantinas, when will you finally find yourself being a Persona non grata (undesirable person) who has been in my private life for too long? Have you ever thought, that being in complete authority, you damned me to anguish and hard-suffering? Why don‘t you want to understand the terrible injustice, that a person feels, who is falsely accused in committing a crime and who is fiercely and systematically persecuted by the state repressive structures?!

Being in the loop is little comfort. Consequently, any attempts to unlawfully restrict individual freedom and deprive people of their private lives must be regarded as the most serious violation of the provisions of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. That is why in the European Court of Human Rights the state of Lithuania loses so many cases on systematic violations of human rights.

Violations of human rights loudly broadcast the message to the world about crimes and arbitrariness of the Soviet Nomenclature, which is still occupying the Lithuanian state. People, who massively hate the regime of ex-communists, load luggage and flee the country in order to avoid impending hardship or famine. It’s not true that a dog gets used to hanging. I prefer my personal life. But not life imposed by the ex-communists.

Zigmantas Segzda, a human rights activist, Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mail: amagic69@gmail.com
Phone +370 698 73822

Cannibals. The head of Public Procurement Office gave her baby‘s brain to the psychiatrists’ company of Mr. Raimundas Alekna

Žmogėdros. Viešųjų pirkimų tarnybos vadovė atidavė vaiko smegenis „konservatnikų“ partijos vedlio Raimundo Aleknos psichiatrų kontorai


Some time ago I had asked the rhetorical question on the internet portal „Laisvas Laikrastis“, whether the women in Lithuania, who belong to the public authority caste, have discovered a new passion – to bear children in order to deliver them to psychiatric concentration camps. Ms. Sigita Jurgelevicienė, the head of Public Procurement Office to the Government of Lithuanian Republic, has targeted „the spike of her spear“… at her own baby. On the 22th of March 2016 the judge of Trakai District Court Ms. Asta Adamonyte – Sipkauskiene has sent a four-year-old daughter of Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene to the former Soviet KGB‘s citadel – National Forensic Psychiatry Service. By doing this the judge ordered a primary forensic psychological examination.

Ms S.Jurgeleviciene hired a flock of law advisors, who kave a systematic knowledge about how to extort the human psyche: Aivaras Alimas, family member of  Ms. Roma Sabina Alimiene,  former officer of the Persecutor‘s Office of the Soviet Union, Ms. Viktorija Civilyte, the daughter of Mr. Juozas Civilis, the former interrogator at the Law Enforcement Service of the Soviet Union, Valdemaras Buzinskas, the former interrogator at the KGB service of the Soviet Union.

I think that, implementing possible plan of the grey cardinals trio, since the year 2015 Ms S.Jurgeleviciene secretly registered her three-year-old daughter to psychiatrists.of the Mental Health Centre of Vilnius Regional Clinic and the Vilnius Centre for psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Famous politician of Lithuania Mr. Raimundas Alekna is a managing director of the Vilnius Centre for psychotherapy and psychoanalysis and the private Hospital the Azuolyno Clinic (Azuolyno klinika).

Who could deny that Ms. Sigita Jurgelevičienė by using public procurement system helps  Mr. Raimundas Alekna to convert state budget funds in favor of his political party’s treasury? Now Ms.  S.Jurgeleviciene has free access to the psychiatrist Ms. Dalia Minialgiene, a subordinate of Mr. Raimundas Alekna. Since Summer, 2015,  Ms. S.Jurgeleviciene turned her daughter into a mental patient, makes copies of the daughter’s personal health history and turns in them to the police, Public Procecutors Office, the judge of the Ukmerge District Court Mr. Rinaldas Adamonis and the judge of the Trakai District Court Ms. Asta Adamonyte – Sipkauskiene. Ms. S.Jurgeleviciene still hopes that using these maneuvers will help „knock out“ the property of her former lover.

Psychotherapy treatment supposedly used by the  psychiatrist Ms. Dalia Minialgiene illustrates the following  example. On the 15th of  June , 2016, Miss Greta Jurgeleviciute,  the daughter of  Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene, had led her four-year-old sister S.V.S. to the medical institution – the Vilnius Centre for psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. On behalf of the child’s mother Miss Greta Jurgeleviciute had communicated with the psychiatrist Ms. Dalia Minialgiene and both agreed that the daughter of Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene should be cured by using psychotherapy treatment. According to Miss Greta Jurgeleviciute, she was waiting outside the door  until an unknown person communicated with my daughter. Waiting outside the door, Miss Greta Jurgeleviciute could not see either the little girl was left alone at the doctor‘s office, or who and  how was communicating with the girl, and she had no possibility to watch what wrong could make strangers to the little girl.

I think that Ms. S.Jurgeleviciene, the head of Public Procurement Office to the Government of Lithuanian Republic, behaved violently with her little daughter, since she left her daughter unattended, against her own will the little girl had been taken from her home and given to an unknown person, the girl had been closed and kept at working office of a medical institution without presence of her parents. I suppose that, by doing this, the human psyche of the child was being extorted. Daughter‘s father was not informed about it.

 Zigmantas Šegžda

The Head of Public Procurement Office: „I did not see the reason to arm myself. If you knock me down, I would not be able to prove also.“

Viešųjų pirkimų tarnybos vadovė „Nemačiau prasmės ginkluotis. Jei man trenktumėte, irgi neįrodyčiau.“


Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene, Deputy Director of Public Procurement Office to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, has brought an action before the District Court of Ukmerge Region. Total amount of the claim – EUR 30 000.  Charges, brought by Mr. Aivaras Alimas, the lawyer of Ms. Jurgeleviciene, have clearly expressed the purpose – to get rich at the expense of the former common-law spouse at any price. Ms. Jurgeleviciene has recoursed to ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania that postulates: „Justice requires that the offender shall be punished in cases prescribed by law, his property shall be confiscated, and that the victim would be compensated for the loss.“

On the 23th of September, 2016,  Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene, Deputy Director of Public Procurement Office answered to my following questions.

Question. Prosecution document says that your former lover is suspected of threatening you make 8 life-threatening acts from October 2013 till May 2014. What urgent measures you have taken when you understood that there was a real threat to your life?

Answer. It was a very difficult moment. I was completely wrecked. I had the hope that maybe he did not implement this. The emergency measure was audio recording of conversation.  I almost did not care what would happen to me at the time. Let‘s say, when you were aggressive, I locked myself in the room.

Question. How did you prepare to defend yourself if someone attacked you by using physical violence, a hatchet, a knife, gun or anything else?

Answer. I was not going to defend myself specifically. (By saying this she was constantly smiling – author’s note). When there were threats, I appealed to the police. I also was looking for an apartment, where to move. However, I did not see the sense to arm myself, to defend myself or to go abroad. Because we raise a child, it’s pointless, since you will still have access to me. I appealed to the police three times (out of 8 cases – author’s note).

Question. Other people passively wait to be injured by attacker in order to be able to provide evidence to the police. Tell us how it was in your situation. What you’ve been waiting for?

Answer. I had been waiting until you calm down, so that we both could sit down and solve the child’s problems, decide how to live further or to divorce.

Question. You say that you have heard that someone threatened you to commit murder. In your estimation, when did your former spouse want to commit murder – right after the threat, in an hour, next day or after a month?

Answer. He might be able to plan this some day. Sometimes it seemed to me that he will attack at that time. This could happen at any time.

Question. After every “ attack“, when you understood that you were feared of, why you did not report to the police immediately? Why you did not appeal to the police next day or the week after?

Answer. At first I tried to solve the problem without the police. Because the family and the child is incompatible with the police. How the appeal to the police could make a difference? The police have been here as a last resort.

Question. Responding to „threats“ why you did not retreat away from this person, hide in another room, garage or boiler room, but instead you continued recording of conversation, just recording this hours and hours?

Answer. I retreated in the other rooms, but you walked behind me. This threat was real. You threatened to kill me not at that time, but in general. I realized that you would order the murder or develop another plan. „

Question. Judging from the data file (800 audio recordings or more), you were secretly recording conversations of people you were meeting. What purpose did you seek for by secretly audio tape-recording conversations of your former lover?

Answer. Defense purposes … I had been seeking for defense purposes.

Question. The question relates to your motivation to record the texts that are provided in proceedings. To what extent it was the question of your curiosity, your desire to know what else would be said, or maybe it was the question, that you understood, that it might be the life-threatening attack? How does the audio recording may defend you from a such „attack“?

Answer. Because, if you call the police, they would not believe the testimony of one person. If you knock me down, I would not be able to prove also.

Question. If you say that you were feared that the former lover may kill you, why did not you move to your apartment in Trakai district?

Answer. Because it would not help. Apartment in Trakai district was let. We have established here  in the countryside of Suderve. I have got a small daughter. Here is a nurse. The apartment in Trakai district is unsuitable for children to live, because the apartment was in molds. And the daughter was allergic.

Rinaldas Adamonis, judge of Ukmerge District Court, lost in criminal case defending Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene


When faced the second person after the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania, it’s easy to lose head in the excitement and the desire to indulge. This phenomenon,  described by Russian folk medicine, has the name of Vertigo diagnosis – dizziness and numbness in the feet. The judges are also people, so they have the right to make mistakes and get lost.

The portal „Laisvas laikrastis“ has published the opinion, that on the  23rd September, 2016, that the judge of Ukmerge region District Court Mr. Rinaldas Adamonis ordered a „punishment“ – deprived  Mr.Zigmantas Segzda of his right to enjoy his property peacefully, since Mr.Zigmantas Segzda criticised and published online publications about scandalous activities of Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene, the head of the Public Procurement Office under the Government of Lithuanian Republic.

Mr.Zigmantas Segzda has had quite a long conversation with the judge of Ukmerge region District Court Mr. Rinaldas Adamonis. Mr. Segzda wonders if the judge has understood him correctly, though  Mr. Segzda has been communicating legal arguments. On the  9th of November, 2016, Mr. Segzda  pledged a complaint before the Judicial Ethics and Discipline Commission regarding activities of the judge Mr. Rinaldas Adamonis assuming that the judge in a criminal case has been protected purely personal business of Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene, Deputy Director of the Public Procurement Office under the Government of Lithuanian Republic. It appears from this that Ms. Sigita Jurgeleviciene has been in a desperate need to adjudge 30, 000 EUR moral damages from her former lover.

On the 15th of April, 2016, the Ukmerge region District Court received the criminal case No 1-74-517/2016. Finally the judge Mr. Adamonis ordered the trial date – the 9th of September. 2016. Based on the above, the judge supposedly delayed the process for 4 months. Mr. Segzda considers, that by doing this, the judge Mr. Rinaldas Adamonis has violated the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 6:

 „In the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of  any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.“

 On the 4th of November, 2016, during the trial the judge Mr. Adamonis had come to a decision to reject 2 requests made by Mr. Segzda. It should be noted that the judge failed to give legal reasoning of his decision, which prevented the opportunity for Mr. Segzda to effectively challenge the court’s decision and violated the right of equal conditions to defend his legitimate interests.

On the 4th of November, 2016, the judge Mr. Adamonis explained that after the court passes sentence in a criminal case, Mr. Segzda may add some notes to the appeal on every issue, if he considers violation of his rights. It is obvious, that the judge did not avoid public speeches that predict the outcome of the case. Later on the judge pointed out again that after receiving a sentence Mr. Segzda may express his opinion on the legality of the verdict.  Mr. Segzda believes that in these speeches the judge Mr. Adamonis has disclosed his personal prejudice in giving the judgement, the judge revealed his personal prejudice against the accused, allowing to predict that Mr. Segzda is guilty. Mr. Segzda understands, that by doing this, the judge Mr. Rinaldas Adamonis has infringed the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 6:

„Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.“

Based on the above, Mr. Segzda implies that the judge has offended the Judges‘ Code of Ethics of the Republic of Lithuania.